[dev][tc] Part 2: Evaluating projects in relation to OpenStack cloud vision

Jay Pipes jaypipes at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 15:57:08 UTC 2019

On 02/14/2019 10:08 AM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2019, at 8:16 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Placement allocations currently have a distinct lack of temporal awareness. An allocation either exists or doesn't exist -- there is no concept of an allocation "end time". What this means is that placement cannot be used for a reservation system. I used to think this was OK, and that reservation systems should be layered on top of the simpler placement data model.
>> I no longer believe this is a good thing, and feel that placement is actually the most appropriate service for modeling a reservation system. If I were to have a "do-over", I would have added the concept of a start and end time to the allocation.
> I’m not clear on how you are envisioning this working. Will Placement somehow delete an allocation at this end time? IMO this sort of functionality should really be done by a system external to Placement. But perhaps you are thinking of something completely different, and I’m just a little thick?

I'm not actually proposing this functionality be added to placement at 
this time. Just remarking that had I to do things over again, I would 
have modeled an end time in the allocation concept.

The end times are not yet upon us, fortunately.


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