[Neutron] Multi segment networks

Ricardo Noriega De Soto rnoriega at redhat.com
Thu Feb 7 17:45:45 UTC 2019

Hello guys,

Quick question about multi-segment provider networks. Let's say I create a
network and a subnet this way:

neutron net-create multinet --segments type=dict list=true

neutron subnet-create multinet --allocation-pool
start=,end= --name
mn-subnet --dns-nameserver

Does it mean, that placing two VMs (with regular virtio interfaces), one in
the vxlan segment and one on the vlan segment, would be able to ping each
other without the need of a router?

Or would it require an external router that belongs to the owner of the

Thanks in advance!

Ricardo Noriega

Senior Software Engineer - NFV Partner Engineer | Office of Technology  |
Red Hat
irc: rnoriega @freenode
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