[cinder] [3rd party ci] Deadline Has Past for Python3 Migration

Hidekazu Nakamura hid-nakamura at vf.jp.nec.com
Tue Aug 20 05:56:46 UTC 2019

Hi Jay,

Sorry late.
NEC is working hard to move NEC Cinder CI to python3.7.
I updated the py3-ci-review etherpad.

Hidekazu Nakamura

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Bryant <jungleboyj at gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 12:41 PM
> To: openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: [cinder] [3rd party ci] Deadline Has Past for Python3 Migration
> All,
> This e-mail has multiple purposes.  First, I have expanded the mail audience
> to go beyond just openstack-discuss to a mailing list I have created for all 3rd
> Party CI Maintainers associated with Cinder.  I apologize to those of you who
> are getting this as a duplicate e-mail.
> For all 3rd Party CI maintainers who have already migrated your systems to
> using Python3.7...Thank you!  We appreciate you keeping up-to-date with
> Cinder's requirements and maintaining your CI systems.
> If this is the first time you are hearing of the Python3.7 requirement please
> continue reading.
> It has been decided by the OpenStack TC that support for Py2.7 would be
> deprecated [1].  The Train development cycle is the last cycle that will support
> Py2.7 and therefore all vendor drivers need to demonstrate support for Py3.7.
> It was discussed at the Train PTG that we would require all 3rd Party CIs to be
> running using Python3 by the Train milestone 2: [2]  We have been
> communicating the importance of getting 3rd Party CI running with
> py3 in meetings and e-mail for quite some time now, but it still appears that
> nearly half of all vendors are not yet running with Python 3. [3]
> If you are a vendor who has not yet moved to using Python 3 please take some
> time to review this document [4] as it has guidance on how to get your CI
> system updated.  It also includes some additional details as to why this
> requirement has been set and the associated background.  Also, please
> update the py3-ci-review etherpad with notes indicating that you are working
> on adding py3 support.
> I would also ask all vendors to review the etherpad I have created as it indicates
> a number of other drivers that have been marked unsupported due to CI
> systems not running properly.  If you are not planning to continue to support a
> driver adding such a note in the etherpad would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Jay
> [1]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-August/00825
> 5.html
> [2]
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CinderTrainSummitandPTGSummary#3rd_P
> arty_CI
> [3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-py3-ci-review
> [4] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cinder/3rdParty-drivers-py3-update

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