[all][tc] U Cycle Naming Poll

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Sun Aug 11 17:30:32 UTC 2019

Rico Lin <rico.lin.guanyu at gmail.com> writes:

> After discussion in this ML and in irc [1], I will finalize the U release
> name candidate list [2] and will go forward to create a public poll
> at 2019-08-12.
> Here is finalized name list from etherpad:
>    - 乌苏里江 Ussuri https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ussuri_River (the name is
>    shared among Mongolian/Manchu/Russian; this is a common Latin-alphabet
>    transcription of the name)
>    - 乌兰察布市 Ulanqab https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulanqab (the name is in
>    Mongolian; this is a common Latin-alphabet transcription of the name)
>    - 乌兰浩特市 Ulanhot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulanhot (the name is in
>    Mongolian; this is a common Latin-alphabet transcription of the name)
>    - 乌兰苏海组 Ulansu (Ulansu sea) (the name is in Mongolian)
>    - 乌拉特中旗 Urad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urad_Middle_Banner (the name
>    is in Mongolian; this is a common Latin-alphabet transcription of the name)
>    - 东/西乌珠穆沁旗 Ujimqin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ujimqin (the name is in
>    Mongolian; this is a common Latin-alphabet transcription of the name)
>    - Ula "Miocene Baogeda Ula" (the name is in Mongolian)
>    - Uma http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/20/Uma.html
> So thanks to all who help with propose names, provide solutions or join
> discussions. And big thanks for Doug who put a significant amount of effort
> on this.


I object to the omission of University (which I thought, based on the
previous email, had been determined to have meet the criteria).  If I
had known there would be a followup conversation, I would have

I still do believe that it meets all of the criteria.  In particular, it
meets this:

* The name must refer to the physical or human geography of the region
  encompassing the location of the OpenStack summit for the
  corresponding release.

It is short for "University of Shanghai for Science and Technology",
which is a place in Shanghai.  Here is their website:

Moreover, it met the criteria *before* it was enlarged to include all of

The subtext of this name is that Shanghai is famous for its
Universities, and it has a lot of them.  Wikipedia lists 36.  The most
famous of which is Fudan -- the first institution of higher education to
be founded by a Chinese person.

It is, in short, a name to honor the unique qualities of our host city.
It deserves to be considered.


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