OpenStack User Survey 2019
Jimmy Mcarthur
jimmy at
Wed Apr 24 14:31:10 UTC 2019
It's time for the OpenStack User Survey
<> [1]! In an effort to create
less work for our community, in 2018 we moved to an annual, rather than
a bi-annual report. If you run an OpenStack deployment, now is the time
to share details about how you run the software and your thoughts on
ways that the community can improve the software. Your feedback matters
and it's shared directly with the PTLs and community leaders that work
to build OpenStack!
We had some good community feedback on the last survey and ended up with
only minor updates from 2018. Below you can see a list of changes that
we've incorporated:
* "Which new/emerging technologies are you interested in using or
seeing integrated with OpenStack?"
o Added options for "AI/ML" and "5G"
* Deleted the question "Are you interested in helping our
interoperability efforts by using RefStack to test your cloud
* "Which tools are you using to deploy / manage this cluster?"
o Added the word "manage" to the question as tools can be used for
o Add "TripleO" and "Container-based orchestration" as options
o Created a new "Please specify" if "Other tools" is chosen
* "Which container orchestration or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) tools
are you using to manage applications on this OpenStack deployment?"
o Added "container orchestration or " to question
* "Which OpenStack Network (Neutron) drivers are you using?"
o Add Calico as an answer
* "Which compatibility APIs does this deployment support?"
o Added the option "This deployment doesn't use compatibility APIs"
* Please note: This year, we will not be including the hardware and
software vendor questions in the report or analytics dashboard due
to the potential for the data to be misinterpreted.
*In addition to the question modifications above, we reached out to PTLs
to ask for their feedback and guidance on the project specific questions
of the survey. We've modified or added those questions as noted below:
This will be a question where respondents can rank their choices and
will follow their existing question:
* Which of the following initiatives would be most beneficial for your
deployment? You can rank items by priority with items at the top
being most important and items at the bottom being least important.
o Improved performance
o Better support for synchronizing multiple keystone regions
o Read-only RBAC roles
o More flexible federated mappings
o Improved fine-grained access control
o Better support for domain administrators
o Improved usability of keystone outside of an OpenStack environment
Changed existing question to:
* "Multi back-ends feature will stay Experimental in Stein release.
How badly this affect your deployment plans? Any details how
you’re planning to use it would be helpful.”
Changed existing question to:
* "What would you find most useful if it was part of Ironic?"
Changed existing question to:
* What features of Swift are you currently using (or have plans to use
in the next 12 months)? (select all that apply
o S3 compatibility
o Dynamic Large Objects
o Static Large Objects
o Temporary URLs
o Data-at-rest encryption
o Multiple storage policies
o Multi-region clusters
o Explicit data placement (composite rings)
o Container sync
o Static websites or CORS
o Symlinks
o Quotas
o Object versioning
If you have further questions, concerns, please let us know.
Jimmy and Allison
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