[cinder][dev] support-revert-to-any-snapshot

Walsh, Helen Helen.Walsh at dell.com
Wed Apr 17 08:53:54 UTC 2019

To cinder driver developers:

*        https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/support-revert-to-any-snapshot

In relation to the blueprint above.  I am wondering if there are any drivers that whose later snapshots will not be valid after a revert to an snapshot that is NOT the last in the series

Mon        Tue          Wed       Thu           Fri
   \              \                 \                \              \
    S1 -------- S2 ---------S3 -------- S4 ---------S5

If on Fri, I was to revert back to Tuesday's Snapshot S2, would S3, S4 and S5 still be usable Snapshots?

Mon        Tue          Wed       Thu           Fri
   \              \                 \                \              \
    S1 -------- S2 ---------S3 -------- S4 ---------S5

Thank you,
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