[gentoo] Looking for members to help maintain OpenStack packages on Gentoo

Matthew Thode mthode at mthode.org
Tue Apr 16 19:20:45 UTC 2019

I'm considering disbanding the Gentoo OpenStack  project and switching
to sole maintainership of the project.  So far I'm the only active
maintianer in the project that I can see.

I'm looking for others that are interested in helping maintain the
openstack ebuilds.  It's fairly easy as an ongoing thing with two major
releases a year (which starts an update of 160 or so packages).  It's
python based and I've found maintaining the ebuilds to be very easy
individually if that helps.

There are other actions that'd be helpful as well.  Some arm64 stage
work (catalyst builds these) to then do some arm64 diskimage-builder
work to work on building VM images for other arches
(openstack or 'vanilla').

Please respond if you are intrested in joining.  I've also emailed the
Gentoo developer list separately with the same request.


Matthew Thode
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