[forum] Summary of the "Better expose what we produce" session
Jimmy McArthur
jimmy at openstack.org
Fri Nov 23 16:24:56 UTC 2018
And the yaml to html translation occurs here:
We're actually testing many of the new features Thierry mentioned on the
master branch now.
> Jeremy Stanley <mailto:fungi at yuggoth.org>
> November 22, 2018 at 6:07 PM
> [...]
> The source code is available from
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-map/tree/ and
> patches can be submitted through the Gerrit instance at
> https://review.openstack.org/ but I don't see any defect tracker set
> up for that repository (yet anyway).
> François Magimel <mailto:francois.magimel at alumni.enseeiht.fr>
> November 22, 2018 at 4:50 PM
> Hi Thierry,
> Thanks about your summary. I was not be able to be at this
> presentation to ask my question, so I'll go with this mail. Where can
> we open bugs for this project ? Is there an IRC channel ? And where
> yaml files are translated to HTML ?
> Thank you again for this useful map,
> François
> Thierry Carrez <mailto:thierry at openstack.org>
> November 22, 2018 at 10:26 AM
> Hi everyone,
> The OpenStack community produces a complex landscape of services and
> other deliverables. Presenting those to the rest of the world in a way
> that is comprehensive, makes sense and is not overwhelming has been a
> constant challenge.
> During this forum session in Berlin we presented the status of various
> efforts and websites, and discussed next steps. You can see the notes
> of the session at:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BER-better-expose-what-we-produce
> The plan going forward is to:
> 1. Continue improving the information presented on
> openstack.org/software and make more elements driven by the
> openstack/openstack-map repository YAML files. Immediate next steps
> include rolling out a new "Overview" page, providing an example YAML
> template, adding project update video links to the YAML for easier
> update, and finishing compiling "dependency" information from teams.
> We will also consider adding diagrams, although it creates a lot of
> consistency challenges.
> 2. Make the pages less about the teams and more about the software.
> That involves creating team pages (or enriching those from the
> governance website) and link to them instead of displaying information
> on the software page.
> 3. Brainstorm ways to move the "drivers list" (currently displayed in
> the "marketplace" using outdated data from stackalytics Drivers page)
> directly on the software page
> 4. For deployment tools, include data from the deployment tool
> comparison effort (discussed in another session), and consider making
> room for third-party tools as well. Also as a comparison point see
> https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/pick-right-solution/
> 5. For SDKs, include non-developed-locally language SDKs in a separate
> tab, and engage with the groups working on SDK certification /
> validation to see if there is any additional information we can show.
> Also as a comparison point see
> https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/client-libraries/
> Thanks !
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