[oslo] [config] Using environment variables for config options

Moises Guimaraes de Medeiros moguimar at redhat.com
Thu Nov 22 13:15:11 UTC 2018


Have you thought on how to populate options of type ListOpt like

[ ]'s
Em qui, 22 de nov de 2018 às 12:57, Chris Dent
<cdent+os at anticdent.org> escreveu:
> I don't recall seeing any specific announcement for this, and I
> think it is a pretty useful feature, so I thought I'd write about
> some functionality that I added to oslo.config and was released in
> 6.7.0.  Especially since a lot of people I've mentioned this to
> thought we already had it.
> The new version is able to satisfy any registered config option by
> looking in the process environment for a variable with a predictable
> name and using its value if set. Options are satisfied in this
> order:
> * command line args
> * environment
> * config file(s)
> * everything else (using the new(ish) "sources" concept)
> In the past it was possible to get config from the environment if
> the option had been pre-defined as using something in the
> environment as its default.
> This new way is much more flexible, and in my experience ideal for
> container-based environments where you would like an immutable
> container but want small differences between multiple instances of
> the same container to be easy to control. Or if you don't need much
> config at all, you can avoid using a config file entirely.
> I've been using this with placement, where it's possible to set up a
> testable placement service with just two environment variables:
>      OS_PLACEMENT_DATABASE__CONNECTION=mysql+pymysql://root:secret@
>      OS_API__AUTH_STRATEGY=noauth2
> This shows the pattern of the environment variable name:
>    OS_<config group>__<config opt>
> There are some docs at https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.config/latest/reference/drivers.html#module-oslo_config.sources._environment
> I hope this proves as useful for other people as it has for me.
> --
> Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
> freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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