[k8s] [manila] Manila CSI driver plan

Tom Barron tpb at dyncloud.net
Wed Nov 21 20:30:41 UTC 2018

[Robert Vasek, Red Hat colleagues working in this space: please
correct any mis-understandings or omissions below]

At the Berlin Summit SIG-K8s Working session [1] [2], we agreed to
follow up with a note to the larger community summarizing our plan
to enable Manila as RWX storage provider for k8s and other container
orchestrators.  Here it is :)

Today there are kubernetes external service providers [3] [4] for
Manila with NFS protocol back ends, as well as a way to use an
external service provider on the master host in combination with a CSI
CephFS node-host plugin [5].

We propose to target an end-to-end, multi-protocol Manila CSI plugin
-- aiming at CSI 1.0, which should get support in container
orchestrators early in 2019.

Converging on CSI will:
* provide support for multiple Container Orchestrators, not just k8s
* de-couple storage plugin development from k8s life-cycle going forwards
* unify development efforts and distributions and set clear expectations
  for operators and deployers

Since manila needs to support multiple file system protocols such as
CephFS native and NFS, we propose that work align to the multiplexing
CSI architecture outlined here [6].  High level work plan:

* Write master host multiplexing controller and node proxy plugins.

* Use CephFS node-only plugin from [5]

* Write NFS node-only plugin

NFS and CephFS are immediate priorities - other file system protocols
supported by manila can be added over time if there is interest.

-- Tom Barron (irc: tbarron)

[1] https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/events/22752/sig-k8s-working-session
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sig-k8s-2018-berlin-summit
[3] https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage
[4] https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack
[5] https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/events/21997/dynamic-storage-provisioning-of-manilacephfs-shares-on-kubernetes
[6] https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/issues/263#issuecomment-411471611

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