Hi openstack-dev, I stumbled on odd and sudden pep8 failures with ARA recently and brought it up in #openstack-infra [1]. It was my understanding that appending " # flake8: noqa" to a line of code would have flake8 ignore this line if it happened to violate any linting rules. It turns out that, at least according to the flake8 release notes [2], "flake8: noqa" is actually meant to ignore the linting on an entire file. The correct way to ignore a specific line appears to be to append " # noqa" to the line... without "flake8: ". Looking at codesearch [3], there is a lot of projects using the "flake8: noqa" approach with the intent of ignoring a specific line. It would be important to fix that in order to make sure we're only ignoring the specific lines we're interested in ignoring and prevent upcoming failures in the jobs. [1]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2018-10-26.log.html#t2018-10-26T16:18:38 [2]: http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/release-notes/3.6.0.html [3]: http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=flake8%3A%20noqa&i=nope&files=&repos= David Moreau Simard dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]