[openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [ironic] [nova] [tripleo] Deprecation of Nova's integration with Ironic Capabilities and ComputeCapabilitiesFilter

Eric Fried openstack at fried.cc
Tue Oct 2 15:39:45 UTC 2018

> What Eric is proposing (and Julia and I seem to be in favor of), is
> nearly the same as your proposal. The single difference is that these
> config templates or deploy templates or whatever could *also* require
> certain traits, and the scheduler would use that information to pick a
> node. While this does put some scheduling information into the config
> template, it also means that we can remove some of the flavor explosion
> *and* mostly separate scheduling from configuration.
> So, you'd have a list of traits on a flavor:
> And you would also have a list of traits in the deploy template:
> {"traits": {"required": ["STORAGE_HARDWARE_RAID"]}, "config": <RAID blob>}
> This allows for making flavors that are reasonably flexible (instead of
> two flavors that do VMX and IPSEC acceleration, one of which does RAID).
> It also allows users to specify a desired configuration without also
> needing to know how to correctly choose a flavor that can handle that
> configuration.
> I think it makes a lot of sense, doesn't impose more work on users, and
> can reduce the number of flavors operators need to manage.
> Does that make sense?

This is in fact exactly what Jay proposed. And both Julia and I are in
favor of it as an ideal long-term solution. Where Julia and I deviated
from Jay's point of view was in our desire to use "the hack" in the
short term so we can satisfy the majority of use cases right away
without having to wait for that ideal solution to materialize.

> // jim
>     Best,
>     -jay
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