[openstack-dev] Pros and Cons of face-to-face meetings
Doug Hellmann
doug at doughellmann.com
Thu Mar 8 18:59:32 UTC 2018
Excerpts from Jeremy Stanley's message of 2018-03-08 18:34:51 +0000:
> On 2018-03-08 12:16:18 -0600 (-0600), Jay S Bryant wrote:
> [...]
> > Cinder has been doing this for many years and it has worked
> > relatively well. It requires a good remote speaker and it also
> > requires the people in the room to be sensitive to the needs of
> > those who are remote. I.E. planning topics at a time appropriate
> > for the remote attendees, ensuring everyone speaks up, etc. If
> > everyone, however, works to be inclusive with remote participants
> > it works well.
> >
> > We have even managed to make this work between separate mid-cycles
> > (Cinder and Nova) in the past before we did PTGs.
> [...]
> I've seen it work okay when the number of remote participants is
> small and all are relatively known to the in-person participants.
> Even so, bridging Doug into the TC discussion at the PTG was
> challenging for all participants.
I agree, and I'll point out I was just across town (snowed in at a
different hotel).
The conversation the previous day with just the 5-6 people on the
release team worked a little bit better, but was still challenging
at times because of audio quality issues.
So, yes, this can be made to work. It's not trivial, though, and
the degree to which it works depends a lot on the participants on
both sides of the connection. I would not expect us to be very
productive with a large number of people trying to be active in the
conversation remotely.
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