[openstack-dev] [qa][tempest-plugins][release][tc][ptl]: Coordinated Release Model proposal for Tempest & Tempest Plugins
Dmitry Tantsur
dtantsur at redhat.com
Tue Jun 26 09:37:42 UTC 2018
On 06/26/2018 11:18 AM, Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> In Queens cycle, community goal to split the Tempest Plugin has been completed [1] and i think almost all the projects have separate repo for tempest plugin [2]. Which means each tempest plugins are being separated from their project release model. Few projects have started the independent release model for their plugins like kuryr-tempest-plugin, ironic-tempest-plugin etc [3]. I think neutron-tempest-plugin also planning as chatted with amotoki.
> There might be some changes in Tempest which might not work with older version of Tempest Plugins. For example, If I am testing any production cloud which has Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Keystone , Aodh, Congress etc i will be using Tempest and Aodh's , Congress's Tempest plugins. With Independent release model of each Tempest Plugins, there might be chance that the Aodh's or Congress's Tempest plugin versions are not compatible with latest/known Tempest versions. It will become hard to find the compatible tag/release of Tempest and Tempest Plugins or in some cases i might need to patch up the things.
FWIW this is solved by stable branches for all other projects. If we cannot keep
Tempest compatible with all supported branches, we should back off our decision
to make it branchless. The very nature of being branchless implies being
compatible with all supported releases.
> During QA feedback sessions at Vancouver Summit, there was feedback to coordinating the release of all Tempest plugins and Tempest [4] (also amotoki talked to me on this as neutron-tempest-plugin is planning their first release). Idea is to release/tag all the Tempest plugins and Tempest together so that specific release/tag can be identified as compatible version of all the Plugins and Tempest for testing the complete stack. That way user can get to know what version of Tempest Plugins is compatible with what version of Tempest.
> For above use case, we need some coordinated release model among Tempest and all the Tempest Plugins. There should be single release of all Tempest Plugins with well defined tag whenever any Tempest release is happening. For Example, Tempest version 19.0.0 is to mark the "support of the Rocky release". When releasing the Tempest 19.0, we will release all the Tempest plugins also to tag the compatibility of plugins with Tempest for "support of the Rocky release".
> One way to make this coordinated release (just a initial thought):
> 1. Release Each Tempest Plugins whenever there is any major version release of Tempest (like marking the support of OpenStack release in Tempest, EOL of OpenStack release in Tempest)
> 1.1 Each plugin or Tempest can do their intermediate release of minor version change which are in backward compatible way.
> 1.2 This coordinated Release can be started from latest Tempest Version for simple reading. Like if we start this coordinated release from Tempest version 19.0.0 then,
> each plugins will be released as 19.0.0 and so on.
> Giving the above background and use case of this coordinated release,
> A) I would like to ask each plugins owner if you are agree on this coordinated release? If no, please give more feedback or issue we can face due to this coordinated release.
Disclaimer: I'm not the PTL.
Similarly to Luigi, I don't feel well about forcing a plugin release at the same
time as a tempest release, UNLESS tempest folks are going to coordinate their
releases with all how-many-do-we-have plugins. What I'd like to avoid is cutting
a release in the middle of a patch chain or some refactoring just because
tempest happened to have a release right now.
> If we get the agreement from all Plugins then,
> B) Release team or TC help to find the better model for this use case or improvement in above model.
> C) Once we define the release model, find out the team owning that release model (there are more than 40 Tempest plugins currently) .
> NOTE: Till we decide the best solution for this use case, each plugins can do/keep doing their plugin release as per independent release model.
> [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/queens/split-tempest-plugins.html
> [2] https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/plugin-registry.html
> [3] https://github.com/openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin/releases
> https://github.com/openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin/releases
> [4] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131011.html
> -gmann
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