[openstack-dev] [tripleo] Referring to the --templates directory?

Lars Kellogg-Stedman lars at redhat.com
Mon Jun 25 18:06:42 UTC 2018

Is there a way to refer to the `--templates` directory when writing
service templates?  Existing service templates can use relative paths,
as in:


        type: ./containers-common.yaml

But if I'm write a local service template (which I often do during
testing/development), I would need to use the full path to the
corresponding file:

        type: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/docker/services/containers-common.yaml

But that breaks if I use another template directory via the
--templates option to the `openstack overcloud deploy` command.  Is
there a way to refer to "the current templates directory"?

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars at redhat.com> | larsks @ {irc,twitter,github}
http://blog.oddbit.com/                |

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