[openstack-dev] [tripleo] Status of Standalone installer (aka All-In-One)

Emilien Macchi emilien at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 00:26:09 UTC 2018

TL;DR: we made nice progress and you can checkout this demo:

We started the discussion back in Dublin during the last PTG. The idea of
Standalone (aka All-In-One, but can be mistaken with all-in-one overcloud)
is to deploy a single node OpenStack where the provisioning happens on the
same node (there is no notion of {under/over}cloud).

A kind of a "packstack" or "devstack" but using TripleO which has can offer:
- composable containerized services
- composable upgrades
- composable roles
- Ansible driven deployment

One of the key features we have been focusing so far are:
- low bar to be able to dev/test TripleO (single machine: VM), with simpler
- make it fast (being able to deploy OpenStack in minutes)
- being able to make a change in OpenStack (e.g. Keystone) and test the
change immediately

The workflow that we're currently targeting is:
- deploy the system by yourself (centos7 or rhel7)
- deploy the repos, install python-tripleoclient
- run 'openstack tripleo deploy (+ few args)
- (optional) modify your container with a Dockerfile + Ansible
- Test your change

- tripleoclient was refactored in a way that the undercloud is actually a
special configuration of the standalone deployment (still work in
progress). We basically refactored the containerized undercloud to be more
generic and configurable for standalone.
- we can now deploy a standalone OpenStack with just Keystone +
dependencies - which takes 12 minutes total (demo here:
https://asciinema.org/a/185533 and doc in progress:
- we have an Ansible role to push modifications to containers via a Docker
file: https://github.com/openstack/ansible-role-tripleo-modify-image/

What's next:
- Documentation: as you can see the documentation is still in progress (
- Continuous Integration: we're working on a new CI
job: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone
- Working on the standalone configuration interface, still WIP:
- Investigate the use case where a developer wants to prepare the
containers before the deployment

I hope this update was useful, feel free to give feedback or ask any
Emilien Macchi
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