[openstack-dev] [self-healing] [ptg] [monasca] PTG track schedule published

Adam Spiers aspiers at suse.com
Mon Jul 30 17:01:09 UTC 2018

Hi Witek,

Thanks a lot for the offer!  I've suggested to Thierry that Thursday 
morning probably works best, but if the room logistics don't permit 
that then we might have to accept your kind offer - I'll let you know. 


Bedyk, Witold <witold.bedyk at est.fujitsu.com> wrote: 
>Hi Adam,
>if nothing else works, we could probably offer you half-day of Monasca slot on Monday or Tuesday afternoon. I'm afraid though that our room might be too small for you. 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org>
>>Sent: Freitag, 20. Juli 2018 18:46
>>To: Adam Spiers <aspiers at suse.com>
>>Cc: openstack-dev mailing list <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>>Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [self-healing] [ptg] PTG track schedule 
>>Adam Spiers wrote: 
>>>Apologies - I have had to change plans and leave on the Thursday 
>>>evening (old friend is getting married on Saturday morning).  Is there 
>>>any chance of swapping the self-healing slot with one of the others? 
>>It's tricky, as you asked to avoid conflicts with API SIG, Watcher, Monasca, 
>>Masakari, and Mistral... Which day would be best for you given the current 
>>schedule (assuming we don't move anything else as it's too late for that). 
>>Thierry Carrez (ttx) 

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