[openstack-dev] [Tripleo] New validation: ensure we actually have enough disk space on the undercloud

Sergii Golovatiuk sgolovat at redhat.com
Mon Jul 16 10:18:22 UTC 2018


On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 4:45 PM, Cédric Jeanneret <cjeanner at redhat.com> wrote:
> Dear Stackers,
> I'm currently looking for some inputs in order to get a new validation,
> ran as a "preflight check" on the undercloud.
> The aim is to ensure we actually have enough disk space for all the
> files and, most importantly, the registry, being local on the
> undercloud, or remote (provided the operator has access to it, of course).
> Although the doc talks about minimum requirements, there's the "never
> trust the user inputs" law, so it would be great to ensure the user
> didn't overlook the requirements regarding disk space.

You may check disk space before undercloud deployment. All we need to
do is to ensure there is enough space for particular version of
undercloud. Also there should be upgrade check to validate space
before running undercloud upgrade.

> The "right" way would be to add a new validation directly in the
> tripleo-validations repository, and run it at an early stage of the
> undercloud deployment (and maybe once again before the overcloud deploy
> starts, as disk space will probably change due to the registry and logs
> and packages and so on).

Since validations are simple ansible tasks so you may invoke them
before installing undercloud. However, we may need additional tag for
undercloud checks

> There are a few details on this public trello card:
> https://trello.com/c/QqBsMmP9/89-implement-storage-space-checks
> What do you think? Care to provide some hints and tips for the correct
> implementation?
> Thank you!
> Bests,
> C.
> --
> Cédric Jeanneret
> Software Engineer
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Best Regards,
Sergii Golovatiuk

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