[openstack-dev] [tc] [all] TC Report 18-05

Graham Hayes gr at ham.ie
Tue Jan 30 18:53:40 UTC 2018

On 30/01/18 18:34, Chris Dent wrote:
> ## Today's Board Meeting
> I attended [today's Board
> Meeting](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/30Jan2018BoardMeeting)
> but it seems that according to the [transparency
> policy](http://www.openstack.org/legal/transparency-policy/) I can't
> comment:
>>  No commenting on Board meeting contents and decisions until
>>  Executive Director publishes a meeting summary
> That doesn't sound like transparency to me, but I assume there must be
> reasons.

I was under the assumption that this only applied to board members, but
I am open to correction.

Can someone on legal-discuss clarify?

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