Seems that sometime between 1/2 and 1/3 this year, tempest.config.CONF.service_available.aodh_plugin as well as ..service_available.mistral became unavailable in congress dsvm check/gate job. [1][2] I've checked the changes that went in to congress, tempest, devstack, devstack-gate, aodh, and mistral during that period but don't see obvious causes. Any suggestions on where to look next to fix the issue? Thanks very much! Eric Kao [1] test results from Jan 2; note that aodh is available: 2f93/logs/testr_results.html.gz [2] test results from Jan 3; note that aodh is skipped by this line [3], but aodh is in fact available as seen from the aodh logs [4]: b025/logs/testr_results.html.gz [3] s/tests/scenario/congress_datasources/ [4] b025/logs/