[openstack-dev] [oslo] Oslo team updates

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Tue Jan 2 14:31:26 UTC 2018

Excerpts from ChangBo Guo's message of 2018-01-02 11:53:02 +0800:
> In last two cycles some people's situation changed, can't focus on Oslo
> code review, so I propose  some changes in Oslo team.  Remove following
> people, thanks their past hard wok to make Oslo well, and welcome them back
> if they want to join the team again.  please +1/-1 for the change
> Generalist Code Reviewers:
>  Brant Knudson
> Specialist API Maintainers:
> oslo-cache-core:  Brant Kundson  David Stanek
> oslo-db-core: Viktor Serhieiev
> oslo-messaging-core:Dmitriy Ukhlov Oleksii Zamiatin Viktor Serhieiev
> oslo-policy-core: Brant Kundson  David Stanek guang-yee
> oslo-service-core: Marian Horban
> We welcome anyone join the team or contribution in Oslo. The Oslo program
> brings together generalist code reviewers and specialist API maintainers
> They share a common interest in tackling copy-and-paste technical debt
> across the OpenStack project. For more information please refer to wiki
> [1].
> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo

+1 -- it's sad to see the team shrink a bit, but it's good to keep the
list accurate based on when people can contribute.

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