[openstack-dev] [tripleo] Updates on containerized undercloud

Emilien Macchi emilien at redhat.com
Fri Feb 9 22:02:58 UTC 2018

Quite a lot of progress has been made over the last months (and days), so I
found useful to share an update on where we are with the efforts on
containerized undercloud.

## CI efforts

- tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers job has been reworked to use
the "undercloud install" interface. Job is green and will probably start
voting during the next days. See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/517445/
and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/517444/.
- we're looking at switching some other CI jobs (maybe one to start) to
deploy a containerized undercloud, and then deploy an overcloud (probably
featureset010). We have a few blockers but we're working on it. It's mostly
the overcloud_prep that fails:
- because of that effort, we're also taking an opportunity to refactor
tripleo-quickstart-extras roles to be more "standard" for both undercloud
and overcloud (example, renaming overcloud-prep-containers to
prep-containers, etc). We'll need help from TripleO CI squad probably.
- Chandan will help us to run validate-tempest in
tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers so we can have some actual
testing for this job, since no overcloud is deployed.

## Feature parity

- TLS work is ongoing.
- TripleO UI containerization is ongoing.
- Nova join support is targeted for Rocky
- Upgrade workflow is under investigation. We'll work on re-using the
upgrade_tasks in THT to upgrade a non-containerized undercloud (Queens) to
a containerized undercloud (Rocky) like we did between Ocata and Pike with
the upgrade_tasks. We'll actually re-use the same code but will have to
change the undercloud upgrade workflow in tripleoclient.

That highlights the current efforts, if you have any question, need more
specific or just any feedback, please go ahead.
At the PTG, we'll discuss about some technical details and hope to move
forward with this nice feature during Rocky cycle.

Emilien Macchi
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