[openstack-dev] [nova] [placement] extraction (technical) update

Balázs Gibizer balazs.gibizer at ericsson.com
Tue Aug 28 12:46:26 UTC 2018

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 5:31 PM, Matt Riedemann <mriedemos at gmail.com> 
> On 8/24/2018 7:36 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
>> Over the past few days a few of us have been experimenting with
>> extracting placement to its own repo, as has been discussed at
>> length on this list, and in some etherpads:
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/placement-extract-stein
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/placement-extraction-file-notes
>> As part of that, I've been doing some exploration to tease out the
>> issues we're going to hit as we do it. None of this is work that
>> will be merged, rather it is stuff to figure out what we need to
>> know to do the eventual merging correctly and efficiently.
>> Please note that doing that is just the near edge of a large
>> collection of changes that will cascade in many ways to many
>> projects, tools, distros, etc. The people doing this are aware of
>> that, and the relative simplicity (and fairly immediate success) of
>> these experiments is not misleading people into thinking "hey, no
>> big deal". It's a big deal.
>> There's a strategy now (described at the end of the first etherpad
>> listed above) for trimming the nova history to create a thing which
>> is placement. From the first run of that Ed created a github repo
>> and I branched that to eventually create:
>> https://github.com/EdLeafe/placement/pull/2
>> In that, all the placement unit and functional tests are now
>> passing, and my placecat [1] integration suite also passes.
>> That work has highlighted some gaps in the process for trimming
>> history which will be refined to create another interim repo. We'll
>> repeat this until the process is smooth, eventually resulting in an
>> openstack/placement.
> We talked about the github strategy a bit in the placement meeting 
> today [1]. Without being involved in this technical extraction work 
> for the past few weeks, I came in with a different perspective on the 
> end-game, and it was not aligned with what Chris/Ed thought as far as 
> how we get to the official openstack/placement repo.
> At a high level, Ed's repo [2] is a fork of nova with large changes 
> on top using pull requests to do things like remove the non-placement 
> nova files, update import paths (because the import structure changes 
> from nova.api.openstack.placement to just placement), and then 
> changes from Chris [3] to get tests working. Then the idea was to 
> just use that to seed the openstack/placement repo and rather than 
> review the changes along the way*, people that care about what 
> changed (like myself) would see the tests passing and be happy enough.
> However, I disagree with this approach since it bypasses our 
> community code review system of using Gerrit and relying on a core 
> team to approve changes at the sake of expediency.
> What I would like to see are the changes that go into making the seed 
> repo and what gets it to passing tests done in gerrit like we do for 
> everything else. There are a couple of options on how this is done 
> though:
> 1. Seed the openstack/placement repo with the filter_git_history.sh 
> script output as Ed has done here [4]. This would include moving the 
> placement files to the root of the tree and dropping nova-specific 
> files. Then make incremental changes in gerrit like with [5] and the 
> individual changes which make up Chris's big pull request [3]. I am 
> primarily interested in making sure there are not content changes 
> happening, only mechanical tree-restructuring type changes, stuff 
> like that. I'm asking for more changes in gerrit so they can be 
> sanely reviewed (per normal).
> 2. Eric took a slightly different tack in that he's OK with just a 
> couple of large changes (or even large patch sets within a single 
> change) in gerrit rather than ~30 individual changes. So that would 
> be more like at most 3 changes in gerrit for [4][5][3].
> 3. The 3rd option is we just don't use gerrit at all and seed the 
> official repo with the results of Chris and Ed's work in Ed's repo in 
> github. Clearly this would be the fastest way to get us to a new repo 
> (at the expense of bucking community code review and development 
> process - is an exception worth it?).

I assumed that the work on github was done to _discover_ what steps 
needs to be done later to populate the new repo and make the tests 
pass. So I more like the #1 approach.

> Option 1 would clearly be a drain on at least 2 nova cores to go 
> through the changes. I think Eric is on board for reviewing options 1 
> or 2 in either case, but he prefers option 2. Since I'm throwing a 
> wrench in the works, I also need to stand up and review the changes 
> if we go with option 1 or 2. Jay said he'd review them but consider 
> these reviews lower priority. I expect we could get some help from 
> some other nova cores though, maybe not on all changes, but at least 
> some (thinking gibi, alex_xu, sfinucan).

I will spend time reviewing the patches coming for the new placement 


> Any CI jobs would be non-voting while going through options 1 or 2 
> until we get to a point that tests should finally be passing and we 
> can make them voting (it should be possible to control this within 
> the repo itself using zuul v3).
> I would like to know from others (nova core or otherwise) what they 
> would prefer, and if you are a nova core that wants option 1 (or 2) 
> are you willing to help review those incremental changes knowing it 
> will be a drain - but also realizing that we can't really let option 
> 1 drag on while we're doing stein feature development, so ideally 
> this would be done before the PTG.
> * Yes I realize I could be reviewing the github pull requests along 
> the way, but that's not really how we do code review in openstack.
> [1] 
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_scheduler/2018/nova_scheduler.2018-08-27-14.00.log.html#l-74
> [2] https://github.com/EdLeafe/placement
> [3] https://github.com/EdLeafe/placement/pull/3
> [4] 
> https://github.com/EdLeafe/placement/commit/e3173faf59bd1453c3800b2bf57c2af8cfde1697
> [5] 
> https://github.com/EdLeafe/placement/commit/e984bef8587009378ea430dd1c12ca3e40a3c901
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt
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