[openstack-dev] [all] [nova] [placement] placement below or beside compute after extraction?

Zane Bitter zbitter at redhat.com
Mon Aug 20 20:46:34 UTC 2018

On 18/08/18 18:22, Eric Fried wrote:
> A year ago we might have developed a feature where one patch would
> straddle placement and nova. Six months ago we were developing features
> where those patches were separate but in the same series. Today that's
> becoming less and less the case: nrp, sharing providers, consumer
> generations, and other things mentioned have had their placement side
> completed and their nova side - if started at all - done completely
> independently. The reshaper series is an exception - but looking back on
> its development, Depends-On would have worked just as well.

So you've given a list here of things that you think wouldn't gain any 
particular benefit from being under the same governance. (Or possibly 
this is just an argument for being in a separate repo, which everybody 
already agrees with?) Mel gave a list of things she thinks _would_ 
benefit from shared governance. Was there anything on her list that 
you'd disagree with? Is there anything on your list that Mel or Dan or 
anybody else would disagree with? Why?

(Note: I personally don't even think it matters, but this is how you 
reach consensus.)

> Agree the nova project is overloaded and would benefit from having
> broader core reviewer coverage over placement code.  The list Chris
> gives above includes more than one non-nova core who should be made
> placement cores as soon as that's a thing.

I agree with this, but separate governance is not a prerequisite for it. 
Having a different/larger core team for a repo in Gerrit is technically 
very easy, and our governance rules leave it completely up to the 
project team (represented by the PTL) to decide. Mel indicated what I'd 
describe as non-opposition to that on IRC, provided that the nova-core 
team retained core review rights on the placement repo.[1] How does the 
Nova team as a whole feel about that? Would anybody object? Would that 
be sufficient to resolve the placement team's concerns about core 
reviewer coverage?



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