[openstack-dev] [infra][horizon][osc] ClientImpact tag automation

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Thu Aug 2 17:56:23 UTC 2018

On 2018-08-02 10:09:48 -0500 (-0500), Sean McGinnis wrote:
> I was able to find part of how that is implemented in jeepyb:
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/jeepyb/tree/jeepyb/cmd/notify_impact.py

As for the nuts and bolts here, the script you found is executed
from a Gerrit hook every time a change merges:


Gerrit hooks are a bit fragile but also terribly opaque (the only
way to troubleshoot a failure is a Gerrit admin pouring over a noisy
log file on the server looking for a Java backtrace). If you decide
to do something automated to open bugs/stories when changes merge, I
recommend a Zuul job. We don't currently have a pipeline definition
which generates a distinct build set for every merged change (the
post and promote pipelines do supercedent queuing rather than
independent queuing these days) but it would be easy to add one that

It _could_ also be a candidate for a Gerrit ITS plug-in (there's one
for SB but not for LP as far as I know), but implementing this would
mean spending more time in Java than most of us care to experience.
Jeremy Stanley
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