[openstack-dev] [TripleO] containerized undercloud in Queens

Dan Prince dprince at redhat.com
Tue Oct 17 15:13:52 UTC 2017

On Tue, 2017-10-17 at 11:46 +0000, milanisko k wrote:
> How about the shared container? Wouldn't it be better not have to
> rely on t-h-t especially if we're "scheduling" (and probably
> configuring) the services as a single logical entity? 

The containers architecture for Pike and Queens is very much oriented
around preserving the way we deployed the services already on
baremetal... but moving them into containers. So for Ironic inspector
we had 2 services (2 systemd scripts) both living in separate
containers. Do the the shared nature of this architecture with regards
to network and host access this works fine.

In the future as we move towards Kubernetes rearchitecting the services
so they work better in containers is totally fine. If the services are
that tightly coupled then why not just have one launch the other? Then
they could live in the single container and have a common launch point.
Seems fine to me, but certainly isn't a requirement to get these up and
running in the current architecture.

> Also would allow us to get rid of iptables and better encapsulate the
> inspector services.

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