[openstack-dev] Nova docker replaced by zun?

Hongbin Lu hongbin.lu at huawei.com
Tue Oct 3 14:23:09 UTC 2017

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Dague [mailto:sean at dague.net]
> Sent: October-03-17 5:44 AM
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Nova docker replaced by zun?
> On 09/29/2017 10:48 AM, ADAMS, STEVEN E wrote:
> > Can anyone point me to some background on why nova docker was
> > discontinued and how zun is the heir?
> >
> > Thx,
> >
> > Steve Adams
> >
> > AT&T
> >
> > https://github.com/openstack/nova-docker/blob/master/README.rst
> The nova-docker driver discontinued because it was not maintained. In
> the entire OpenStack community we could not find a second person to
> help with the maintenance of it (it was only Dims doing any needed
> fixes).
> This was even though the driver was known to be running in multiple
> production clouds.
> The project was shut down for that reason so that no one would
> mistakenly assume there was any maintenance or support on it. If you or
> others want to revive the project, that would be fine, as long as we
> can identify 2 individuals who will step up as maintainers.
> 	-Sean

[Hongbin Lu] A possibility is to revive nova-docker and engineer it as a thin layer to Zun. Zun has implemented several important functionalities, such as container lifecycle management, container networking with neutron, bind-mounting cinder volumes, etc. If nova-docker is engineered as a proxy to Zun, the burden of maintenance would be significant reduced. I believe Zun team would be happy to help to get the virt driver working well with Nova.

Best regards,

> --
> Sean Dague
> http://dague.net
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