[openstack-dev] [all] Community managed tech/dev blog: Call for opinions and ideas
Joshua Harlow
harlowja at fastmail.com
Mon Nov 27 19:44:28 UTC 2017
Jay Pipes wrote:
> On 11/27/2017 01:54 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> I want a place that is like http://blog.kubernetes.io/
> You know that's not for developers (only) of k8s, right? That's for
> users, marketers, product managers, etc.
We don't have to exactly copy it (that was not the intention).
But looking at the following it seems like its slightly more than that.
'This post is written by Kelsey Hightower, Staff Developer Advocate at
Google, and Sandra Guo, Product Manager at Google.'
'Today's post is by Lantao Liu, Software Engineer at Google, and Mike
Brown, Open Source Developer Advocate at IBM.'
'Editor's note: this post is part of a series of in-depth articles on
what's new in Kubernetes 1.8. Today’s post comes from Ahmet Alp Balkan,
Software Engineer, Google.'
'Editor's note: Today’s post by Frank Budinsky, Software Engineer, IBM,
Andra Cismaru, Software Engineer, Google, and Israel Shalom, Product
Manager, Google, is the second post in a three-part series on Istio. It
offers a closer look at request routing and policy management.'
^ A lot of engineers in that (not just product folks, though there are
some yes..).
> So, when you say *for developers*, what exactly do you mean? Are you
> referring to developers of OpenStack projects or are you referring to
> *users* of cloud services -- i.e. application developers?
People like jay and josh and dims and ..., or future jay (jr) and josh
(jr) folks...
> Best,
> -jay
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