[openstack-dev] [all] Community managed tech/dev blog: Call for opinions and ideas

Amrith Kumar amrith.kumar at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 16:08:06 UTC 2017

I don't see much of a point in an OpenStack Technical blog. After all,
those who want to blog likely already have blogs that are syndicated
through the OpenStack digest mechanism.

What problem or existing shortcoming is sought to be addressed by this
blog? And is there some reason that existing (individual) blogs can't be
used for this?

The issue may be centralization and longevity which, given the transient
nature of all of our involvement in OpenStack is a perfectly legitimate
concern. But, I'd like that this be articulated clearly if it is in fact
the issue.


On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Dan Prince <dprince at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Flavio Percoco <flavio at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Last Thursday[0], at the TC office hours, we brainstormed a bit around
>> the idea
>> of having a tech blog. This idea came first from Joshua Harlow and it was
>> then
>> briefly discussed at the summit too.
>> The idea, we have gathered, is to have a space where the community could
>> write
>> technical posts about OpenStack. The idea is not to have an aggregator
>> (that's
>> what our planet[1] is for) but a place to write original and curated
>> content.
> Why not just write article's on existing blogs, link them into planet, and
> then if they are really good promote them at a higher level?
> Having a separate blog that is maintained by a few seems a bit elitist to
> me.
> Dan
>> During the conversation, we argued about what kind of content would be
>> acceptable for this platform. Here are some ideas of things we could have
>> there:
>> - Posts that are dev-oriented (e.g: new functions on an oslo lib)
>> - Posts that facilitate upstream development (e.g: My awesome dev setup)
>> - Deep dive into libvirt internals
> What is really missing in our current infrastructure setup that really
> prevents any of the above?
>> - ideas?
>> As Chris Dent pointed out on that conversation, we should avoid making
>> this
>> place a replacement for things that would otherwise go on the mailing
>> list -
>> activity reports, for example. Having dev news in this platform, we would
>> overlap with things that go already on the mailing list and, arguably, we
>> would
>> be defeating the purpose of the platform. But, there might be room for
>> both(?)
>> Ultimately, we should avoid topics promoting new features in services as
>> that's what
>> superuser[2] is for.
>> So, what are your thoughts about this? What kind of content would you
>> rather
>> have posted here? Do you like the idea at all?
>> [0] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23op
>> enstack-tc.2017-11-23.log.html#t2017-11-23T15:01:25
>> [1] http://planet.openstack.org/
>> [2] http://superuser.openstack.org/
>> Flavio
>> --
>> @flaper87
>> Flavio Percoco
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