[openstack-dev] [chef] Heads up - Chef 13 is incoming

Samuel Cassiba s at cassiba.com
Mon Nov 27 00:18:27 UTC 2017


With Chef 12 EOL approaching, Pike was originally intended to be the
final release exclusively supporting Chef 12, with Chef 13 being
deferred to Queens development. However, Chef 13 support is here at
long last. Chef 12 clients should be able to work using the same
cookbooks for now, as in, it works in Test Kitchen, but YMMV past

Airgapped deployers need especially take notice, as MariaDB packages
are now coming from mariadb.org and not the distro repos. Software
Collections also comes configured out of the box for CentOS.

If you run into any problems, #openstack-chef is always open. Just
keep in mind that the team is very distributed, so park a client for a

Samuel Cassiba

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