[openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-vpp]networking-vpp 17.10 for VPP 17.10 is available
Ian Wells
ijw.ubuntu at cack.org.uk
Tue Nov 21 07:21:53 UTC 2017
In conjunction with the release of VPP 17.10, I'd like to invite you all to
try out networking-vpp 17.10(*) for VPP 17.10. VPP is a fast userspace
forwarder based on the DPDK toolkit, and uses vector packet processing
algorithms to minimise the CPU time spent on each packet and maximise
throughput. networking-vpp is a ML2 mechanism driver that controls VPP on
your control and compute hosts to provide fast L2 forwarding under Neutron.
This version has a few additional enhancements, along with supporting the
VPP 17.10 API:
- we can now optionally sign data stored in etcd, the communication
mechanism we use, for additional security
- The L3 functionality has been reworked in preparation for HA.
Along with this, there have been the usual upkeep as Neutron versions
change, bug fixes, code and test improvements.
The README [1] explains how you can try out VPP using devstack: the
devstack plugin will deploy the mechanism driver and VPP itself and should
give you a working system with a minimum of hassle. It will now use the
etcd version deployed by newer versions of devstack.
We will continuing development between now and VPP's 18.02 release in
February. There are several features we're planning to work on (you'll
find a list in our RFE bugs at [2]), and we welcome anyone who would like
to come help us.
Everyone is welcome to join our biweekly IRC meetings, every other Monday
(the next one is due in a week), 0800 PST = 1600 GMT.
(*) Yes, I know we're in November, but VPP was released last month just
before the summit, and then I went on holiday. It's called 17.10 to
correspond to the VPP release.
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