[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Blueprint proposals for 'file' publisher: Compression and CSV file format

gordon chung gord at live.ca
Thu Nov 16 19:59:47 UTC 2017

On 2017-11-16 02:48 PM, Waines, Greg wrote:
> Cool ... i will go ahead and submit a blueprint for these.

just an fyi, we don't use blueprints in Telemetry projects. just submit 
the code :)

if there's many alternatives to the solution or if it's a something 
controversial, we usually discuss it here on ML. in this case, it seems 
like a pretty regular feature addition.

> Wrt the compression blueprint,  locally we subclassed the base python 
> rotating file handler class in order to optionally compress the file as 
> part of the “shouldRollover” stage.

sounds good.


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