[openstack-dev] [all] Onboarding rooms postmortem, what did you do, what worked, lessons learned

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Wed May 31 18:35:51 UTC 2017

On 2017-05-19 09:22:07 -0400 (-0400), Sean Dague wrote:
> the project,

I hosted the onboarding session for the Infrastructure team. For
various logistical reasons discussed on the planning thread before
the PTG, it was a shared session with many other "horizontal" teams
(QA, Requirements, Stable, Release). We carved the 90-minute block
up into individual subsessions for each team, though due to
scheduling conflicts I was only able to attend the second half
(Release and Infra). Attendance was also difficult to gauge; we had
several other regulars from the Infra team present in the audience,
people associated with other teams with which we shared the room,
and an assortment of new faces but hard to tell which session(s)
they were mainly there to see.

> what you did in the room,

I prepared a quick (5-10 minute) "help wanted" intro slide deck to
set the stage, then transitioned to a less formal mix of Q&A and
open discussion of some of the exciting things we're working on
currently. I felt like we didn't really get as many solid questions
as I was hoping, but the back-and-forth with other team members in
the room about our priority efforts was definitely a good way to
fill in the gaps between.

> what you think worked,

The format wasn't bad. Given the constraints we were under for this,
sharing seems to have worked out pretty well for us and possibly
seeded the audience with people who were interested in what those
other teams had to say and stuck around to see me ramble.

> what you would have done differently

The goal I had was to drum up some additional solid contributors to
our team, though the upshot (not necessarily negative, just not what
I expected) was that we seemed to get more interest from "adjacent
technologies" representatives interested in what we were doing and
how to replicate it in their ecosystems. If that ends up being a
significant portion of the audience going forward, it's possible we
could make some adjustments to our approach in an attempt to entice
them to collaborate further on co-development of our tools and

Also, due to the usual no-schedule-is-perfect conundrums, I ended up
running this in the final minutes before the happy hour social (or
maybe even overlapping the start of it) so that _may_ have sucked up
some of our potential audience before I got to the room. Not sure
what to really do to fix that, more just an observation I suppose.
Jeremy Stanley
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