[openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [keystone][nova][cinder][glance][neutron][horizon][policy] defining admin-ness
Lance Bragstad
lbragstad at gmail.com
Wed May 31 14:10:08 UTC 2017
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Sean Dague <sean at dague.net> wrote:
> On 05/26/2017 10:44 AM, Lance Bragstad wrote:
> <snip>
> > Interesting - I guess the way I was thinking about it was on a per-token
> > basis, since today you can't have a single token represent multiple
> > scopes. Would it be unreasonable to have oslo.context build this
> > information based on multiple tokens from the same user, or is that a
> > bad idea?
> No service consumer is interacting with Tokens. That's all been
> abstracted away. The code in the consumers consumer is interested in is
> the context representation.
> Which is good, because then the important parts are figuring out the
> right context interface to consume. And the right Keystone front end to
> be explicit about what was intended by the operator "make jane an admin
> on compute in region 1".
> And the middle can be whatever works best on the Keystone side. As long
> as the details of that aren't leaked out, it can also be refactored in
> the future by having keystonemiddleware+oslo.context translate to the
> known interface.
Ok - I think that makes sense. So if I copy/paste your example from earlier
and modify it a bit ( s/is_admin/global/)::
"user": "me!",
"global": True,
"roles": ["admin", "auditor"],
"user": "me!",
"global": True,
"roles": ["reader"],
That might be one way we can represent global roles through
oslo.context/keystonemiddleware. The library would be on the hook for
maintaining the mapping of token scope to context scope, which makes sense:
if token['is_global'] == True:
context.global = True
elif token['domain_scoped']:
# domain scoping?
# handle project scoping
I need to go dig into oslo.context a bit more to get familiar with how this
works on the project level. Because if I understand correctly, oslo.context
currently doesn't relay global scope and that will be a required thing to
get done before this work is useful, regardless of going with option #1,
#2, and especially #3.
> -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> http://dague.net
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