[openstack-dev] [tripleo] CI Squad Meeting Summary (week 21) - Devmode OVB, RDO Cloud and config management
Emilien Macchi
emilien at redhat.com
Tue May 30 21:03:36 UTC 2017
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Attila Darazs <adarazs at redhat.com> wrote:
> If the topics below interest you and you want to contribute to the
> discussion, feel free to join the next meeting:
> Time: Thursdays, 14:30-15:30 UTC
> Place: https://bluejeans.com/4113567798/
> Full minutes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting
> = Periodic & Promotion OVB jobs Quickstart transition =
> We had a lively technical discussions this week. Gabriele's work on
> transitioning the periodic & promotion jobs is nearly complete, only needs
> reviews at this point. We won't set a transition date for these as it is not
> really impacting folks long term if these jobs are failing for a few days at
> this point. We'll transition when everything is ready.
> = RDO Cloud & Devmode OVB =
> We continued planning the introduction of RDO Cloud for the upstream OVB
> jobs. We're still at the point of account setup.
> The new OVB based devmode seems to be working fine. If you have access to
> RDO Cloud, and haven't tried it already, give it a go. It can set up a full
> master branch based deployment within 2 hours, including any pending changes
> baked into the under & overcloud.
> When you have your account info sourced, all it takes is
> $ ./devmode.sh --ovb
> from your tripleo-quickstart repo! See here[1] for more info.
> = Container jobs on nodepool multinode =
> Gabriele is stuck with these new Quickstart jobs. We would need a deep dive
> into debugging and using the container based TripleO deployments. Let us
> know if you can do one!
I've pinged some folks around, let's see if someone volunteers to make it.
> = How to handle Quickstart configuration =
> This a never-ending topic, on which we managed to spend a good chunk of time
> this week as well. Where should we put various configs? Should we duplicate
> a bunch of variables or cut them into small files?
> For now it seems we can agree on 3 levels of configuration:
> * nodes config (i.e. how many nodes we want for the deployment)
> * envionment + provisioner settings (i.e. you want to run on rdocloud with
> ovb, or on a local machine with libvirt)
> * featureset (a certain set of features enabled/disabled for the jobs, like
> pacemaker and ssl)
> This seems rather straightforward until we encounter exceptions. We're going
> to figure out the edge cases and rework the current configs to stick to the
> rules.
> That's it for this week. Thank you for reading the summary.
> Best regards,
> Attila
> [1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-quickstart/devmode-ovb.html
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Emilien Macchi
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