[openstack-dev] [publiccloud-wg] Summary meeting 24th May
Tobias Rydberg
tobias at citynetwork.se
Fri May 26 12:59:55 UTC 2017
Hi group,
Wednesday we had a meeting with the Public Cloud Working Group, in this
email I will give you a quick summary of that meeting, to keep everyone
informed and hopefully keep up the interest that we all felt in Boston! =)
#start meeting-summary publiccloud-wg
1. Upstream work
A lot of discussions in Boston about "upstream friday" or such, would be
awesome to see more upstream work from public clouds, even though a lot
of them are small companies. A few have already started this, and more
will come.
2. Missing features
Our list of "missing features" got a lot of attention in Boston. We will
continue to work on this list, zhipeng will go over it during the
upcoming weeks to identify things that are done, planned for upcoming
release etc etc.*We encourage you all to review that lis**t*, both to
help out with correct tagging and formulation, but feel free to add more
to the list as well. This list will be used for prioritization for the
current cycle, so please do it right away.
3. #openstack-publiccloud
To get the discussions going between meetings and to encourage people
that are not in the meetings to join the discussions we would like to
promote the IRC channel #openstack-publiccloud. We all will be there and
it will be even more important when it comes to implementations of the
missing features, to help each other as much as possible.
4. Goals for Sydney
*Important: *At next meeting 7th June we will set the goals for the
current cycle. We would like to ask you all to give it some thinking and
either give us your input here at the mailing list, or in the IRC
channel before that, and best of all, if you could participate at the
meeting as well.
Some ideas exists, implementation of missing features, public cloud
meetup are some of them.
#end meeting-summary
Talk to you all soon!
Best regards,
PublicCloudWG via tobberydberg
Tobias Rydberg
tobias at citynetwork.se
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