[openstack-dev] [heat] [devstack] [infra] heat api services with uwsgi
Zane Bitter
zbitter at redhat.com
Tue May 23 18:27:19 UTC 2017
On 23/05/17 01:23, Rabi Mishra wrote:
> Hi All,
> As per the updated community goal[1] for api deployment with wsgi,
> we've to transition to use uwsgi rather than mod_wsgi at the gate. It
> also seems mod_wsgi support would be removed from devstack in Queens.
> I've been working on a patch[2] for the transition and encountered a few
> issues as below.
> 1. We encode stack_indentifer(<stack_name/stack_id> along with the path
> separator in heatclient. So, requests with encoded path separators are
> dropped by apache (with 404), if we don't have 'AllowEncodedSlashes On'
> directive in the site/vhost config[3].
We'd probably want 'AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode'.
> Setting this for mod_proxy_uwsgi[4] seems to work on fedora but not
> ubuntu. From my testing It seems, it has to be set in 000-default.conf
> for ubuntu.
> Rather than messing with the devstack plugin code, I went ahead proposed
> a change to not encode the path separators in heatclient[5] ( Anyway
> they would be decoded by apache with the directive 'AllowEncodedSlashes
> On' before it's consumed by the service) which seem to have fixed those
> 404s.
Pasting my comment from the patch:
One potential problem with this is that you can probably craft a stack
name in such a way that heatclient ends up calling a real but unexpected
URL. (I don't think this is a new problem, but it's likely the problem
that the default value of AllowEncodedSlashes is designed to fix, and
we're circumventing it here.)
It seems to me the ideal would be to force '/'s to be encoded when they
occur in the stack and resource names. Clearly they should never have
been encoded when they're actual path separators (e.g. between the stack
name and stack ID).
It'd be even better if Apache were set to "AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode"
and we could then decode stack/resource names that include slashes after
splitting at the path separators, so that those would actually work. I
don't think the routing framework can handle that though.
For that reason I believe we disallow slashes in stack/resource names.
So with "AllowEncodedSlashes Off" we'd get the right behaviour (which is
to always 404 when the stack/resource name contains a slash).
> Is there a generic way to set the above directive (when using
> apache+mod_proxy_uwsgi) in the devstack plugin?
> 2. With the above, most of the tests seem to work fine other than the
> ones using waitcondition, where we signal back from the vm to the api
Not related to the problem below, but I believe that when signalling
through the heat-cfn-api we use an arn to identify the stack, and I
suspect that slashes in the arn are escaped at or near the source. So we
may have no choice but to find a way to turn on AllowEncodedSlashes. Or
is it in the query string part anyway?
> services. I could see " curl: (7) Failed to connect to port
> 80: No route to host" in the vm console logs[6].
> It could connect to heat api services using ports 8004/8000 without this
> patch, but not sure why not port 80? I tried testing this locally and
> didn't see the issue though.
> Is this due to some infra settings or something else?
> [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/pike/deploy-api-in-wsgi.html
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462216/
> [3]
> https://github.com/openstack/heat/blob/master/devstack/files/apache-heat-api.template#L9
> [4]
> http://logs.openstack.org/16/462216/6/check/gate-heat-dsvm-functional-convg-mysql-lbaasv2-non-apache-ubuntu-xenial/fbd06d6/logs/apache_config/heat-wsgi-api.conf.txt.gz
> [5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/463510/
> [6]
> http://logs.openstack.org/16/462216/11/check/gate-heat-dsvm-functional-convg-mysql-lbaasv2-non-apache-ubuntu-xenial/e7d9e90/console.html#_2017-05-20_07_04_30_718021
> --
> Regards,
> Rabi Mishra
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