[openstack-dev] [trove] Trove reboot meeting
Justin Cook
jhcook at secnix.com
Mon May 22 17:18:20 UTC 2017
1500 UTC is 1600 BST and 1700 CEST which is quite late for the French. Our
friends in Berlin may be up for it. I recommend 1500 BST which is 1400 UTC.
Of course, your suggestion works well for the US west coast.
On 22 May 2017 at 17:50:10, MCCASLAND, TREVOR (tm2086 at att.com) wrote:
> The results show a meeting time for Thursday 1500 UTC; I'll message the
> join link on this thread 15 min prior and in the #openstack-trove
> It has come to my attention that the poll time zones were not clear, I was
> under the impression everyone had their own view based on their IP's
> location.
> However, I think everyone made the correct assumptions and we have agreed
> to meet at 1500 UTC on Thursday.
> If you have any questions you can ask them on this thread or raise them
> during the trove meeting this Wednesday at 1500-1600 UTC Wednesday.
> Sharing google calendar events can be a pain but it only gives us a
> notification for our calendars so.. I'm not going to bother with it that
> much. If you really want it on your calendar you can email me and I will
> add you to the event but you don' need to do this.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 2:35 PM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <
> openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [trove] Trove reboot meeting
> *** Security Advisory: This Message Originated Outside of AT&T ***.
> Reference http://cso.att.com/EmailSecurity/IDSP.html for more
> information.
> As a result of a large number of new contributors looking for direction
> from our project, we would like to host a focused meeting on the project's
> scope.
> Please let us know your availability for this one time meeting by using
> this doodle poll[1]
> We have brainstormed a few ideas for discussion [2], the project's scope
> is not limited to these ideas so if you would like to include something,
> please add it.
> Traditionally these kind of meetings are done at the PTG but we wanted to
> get ahead of that timeline to keep the interest going.
> The current meeting time and place is not decided yet but it will most
> likely be an impromptu virtual meeting on google hangouts or some variant
> but we will also try our best to loop the conversation back in to the
> mailing list, our channel #openstack-trove and/or our project's meeting
> time.
> When the time is right, probably Tuesday morning. I will announce what
> time works the best for everyone, how and where to participate.
> [1]
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__beta.doodle.com_poll_s36ywdz5mfwqkdvu&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=afs6hELVfCxZDDqAHhTowQ&m=grsR5Fg0eE2KeSRz0GJGD3ynjfBCiSUG8JWqdxVdI4o&s=PpMZu9e7ngwvol1PXZjsHpdi0zgnchuPkLcmIP59-9o&e=
> [2]
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__etherpad.openstack.org_p_trove-2Dreboot&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=afs6hELVfCxZDDqAHhTowQ&m=grsR5Fg0eE2KeSRz0GJGD3ynjfBCiSUG8JWqdxVdI4o&s=sOtPMJkzBnO0cjt3GBq3sNPQIxwn5UjkuPBENK0QhEA&e=
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