Greetings OpenStack community, A short meeting today, mostly reflecting on the Birds of a Feather session [4] at Summit last week. It was well attended and engendered plenty of good discussion. There are notes on an etherpad at that continue to be digested. One of the main takeaways was the group should work with people creating documentation (api-ref and otherwise) to encourage linking from those documents to the guidelines [2]. This will help to explain why some things are the way they are (for example microversions) and also highlight a path whereby people can contribute to improving or clarifying the guidelines. Working on that linking will be an ongoing effort. In the meantime the primary action for the group (and anyone else interested in API consistency) is to review Monty's efforts to document client side interactions with the service catalog and version discovery (linked below). # Newly Published Guidelines Nothing new at this time. # API Guidelines Proposed for Freeze Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community. None at this time but please check out the reviews below. # Guidelines Currently Under Review [3] * Microversions: add next_min_version field in version body * A suite of several documents about using the service catalog and doing version discovery Start at * WIP: microversion architecture archival doc (very early; not yet ready for review) # Highlighting your API impacting issues If you seek further review and insight from the API WG, please address your concerns in an email to the OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag "[api]" in the subject. In your email, you should include any relevant reviews, links, and comments to help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you are facing. To learn more about the API WG mission and the work we do, see OpenStack API Working Group [2]. Thanks for reading and see you next week! # References [1] [2] [3],n,z [4] Meeting Agenda Past Meeting Records Open Bugs -- Chris Dent ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ) freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent