[openstack-dev] [tc][infra][release][security][stable][kolla][loci][tripleo][docker][kubernetes] do we want to be publishing binary container images?
Michał Jastrzębski
inc007 at gmail.com
Thu May 18 16:34:44 UTC 2017
>> Issue with that is
>> 1. Apache served is harder to use because we want to follow docker API
>> and we'd have to reimplement it
> No, the idea is apache is transparent, for now we have been using proxypass
> module in apache. I think what Doug was mentioning was have a primary docker
> registery, with is RW for a publisher, then proxy it to regional mirrors as RO.
That would also work, yes
>> 2. Running registry is single command
> I've seen this mentioned a few times before, just because it is one command or
> 'simple' to do, doesn't mean we want to or can. Currently our infrastructure is
> complicated, for various reasons. I am sure we'll get to the right technical
> solution for making jobs happy. Remember our infrastructure spans 6 clouds and 15
> regions and want to make sure it is done correctly.
And that's why we discussed dockerhub. Remember that I was willing to
implement proper registry, but we decided to go with dockerhub simply
because it puts less stress on both infra and infra team. And I
totally agree with that statement. Dockerhub publisher + apache
caching was our working idea.
>> 3. If we host in in infra, in case someone actually uses it (there
>> will be people like that), that will eat up lot of network traffic
>> potentially
> We can monitor this and adjust as needed.
>> 4. With local caching of images (working already) in nodepools we
>> loose complexity of mirroring registries across nodepools
>> So bottom line, having dockerhub/quay.io is simply easier.
> See comment above.
>> > Doug
>> >
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