[openstack-dev] [oslo][kolla][openstack-helm][tripleo][all] Storing configuration options in etcd(?)

Thomas Herve therve at redhat.com
Wed Mar 15 08:41:16 UTC 2017

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 12:05 AM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at fastmail.com> wrote:

> * How does reloading work (does it)?

No. There is nothing that we can do in oslo that will make services
magically reload configuration. It's also unclear to me if that's
something to do. In a containerized environment, wouldn't it be
simpler to deploy new services? Otherwise, supporting signal based
reload as we do today should be trivial.

> * What's the operational experience (editing a ini file is about the lowest
> bar we can possible get to, for better and/or worse).
> * Does this need to be a new oslo.config backend or is it better suited by
> something like the following (external programs loop)::
>    etcd_client = make_etcd_client(args)
>    while True:
>        has_changed = etcd_client.get_new_config("/blahblah") # or use a
> watch
>        if has_changed:
>           fetch_and_write_ini_file(etcd_client)
>           trigger_reload()
>        time.sleep(args.wait)

That's confd: https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd/ . Bonus
points; it supports a ton of other backends. One solution is to
provide templates and documentation to use confd with OpenStack.


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