[openstack-dev] [all][infra] Missing OpenSSL headers (fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory)

Paul Belanger pabelanger at redhat.com
Tue Jun 6 22:30:12 UTC 2017


If your project is seeing the following errors, this likely means you do not
have libssl development headers included in your bindep.txt file.

To fix this you can add the following to your local bindep.txt file:

  libssl-dev [platform:dpkg]
  openssl-devel [platform:rpm]

This will ensure centos-7 and ubuntu-xenial (and trusty) will properly set them
up for you.

This is a result of openstack-infra removing npm / nodejs as a build time
dependency for our DIB images.

If you have questions, please join us in #openstack-infra


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