[openstack-dev] [oslo.db] [ndb] ndb namespace throughout openstack projects

Octave J. Orgeron octave.orgeron at oracle.com
Wed Jul 26 23:09:05 UTC 2017

Hi Michael,

That is something we are working towards having our own CI where we 
could catch these things. I do think that having a function in the utils 
module of oslo.db to test the length of a table row would be handy 
though for projects to leverage as part of their unit tests.


On 7/26/2017 4:54 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>     thinking out loud
>     oslo_db.sqlalchemy.types.String(255, mysql_small_rowsize=64)
>     oslo_db.sqlalchemy.types.String(255, mysql_small_rowsize=sa.TINYTEXT)
>     oslo_db.sqlalchemy.types.String(255, mysql_small_rowsize=sa.TEXT)
>     so if you don't have mysql_small_rowsize,  nothing happens.
> Also, these flags in theory would *only* be in an old migration file. 
>   Going forward, we'd hope that Oracle will be running its own CI and 
> ensuring new migrations don't go over the limits , right ?  New 
> columns would ideally not have conditional datatype rules at all.

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