[openstack-dev] [all][swg] per-project "Business only" moderated mailing lists

Matt Riedemann mriedemos at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 01:48:50 UTC 2017

On 2/26/2017 6:52 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> During some productive discussions in the Stewardship Working Group PTG
> room, the subject of the mailing list came up. The usual questions
> around whether or not we should have per-project lists came up and the
> reasons we don't were re-affirmed. To recap those reasons:
>   * Cross posting is the pits
>   * People don't always know at the beginning of a thread that a
>     discussion will need to go wider, leading to silos and confusion.
> So we turned to ways to help reduce peoples' load while reading e-mail,
> since many (most?) tend to opt out of reading openstack-dev.
> There are a number of ways that we can help, including teaching people
> to have more efficient workflows and use specific mail reading tools
> (don't worry, we're not adding an NNTP gateway.. yet). But one that
> received positive feedback from the room was to have moderated
> business-only mailing lists for each project.
> Basically, there are things that we _do_ know will not go wider when
> the thread begins. Just running through the threads on the February
> thread index, there are a few obvious classes:
>   * Mascots
>   * Social meetups
>   * Meeting logistics
>   * Core team membership
> There are likely others. The idea is that these messages would go into a
> ${project}-business at lists.openstack.org. Said list would be moderated by
> a team of the PTL's choosing, and we would admonish moderators to reject
> soundly any threads not obviously single project business related.
> Thoughts? If this sounds good, I'll go ahead and write up a spec.
> (openstack-specs?)
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So business as in like parliamentary procedure business and not business 
as in synergizing growth for the bottom line in a global economy?

I care about more than just the nova project, so I also pay attention to 
non-nova specific stuff in other projects, mostly neutron, cinder, 
ironic, glance, keystone and QA. If I want to know about their business 
(can we say businazz to jazz it up?) I not only need to be in the 
openstack-dev list but also their project-specific list? It's all going 
to filter to the same folders I already have, but then I have to be in 
several more mailing lists.

Who is the actual audience for this change? Is it to get the mundane 
every day project stuff out of the openstack-dev list so people don't 
have to read it and if so, who are those people and why can't they just 
filter or ignore threads they don't care about properly?

I'm a -1 on this unless I'm missing how it makes things much much better 



Matt Riedemann

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