[openstack-dev] [oslo] PTG summary
ChangBo Guo
glongwave at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 16:07:21 UTC 2017
Oslo folks,
This is summary of oslo PTG schedule during one and half days. You can
check the details in etherpad link:
1. oslo.messaging: consistent names for general driver configuration options
Some of supported drviers have various option configuration names with
for common usage, This has led to a plethora of different configuration
options that complicates the development of Day 1 deployment and
configuration tools. We propose that 'scrub' the configuration namespace
and come up with common generic names that can be shared among the various
drivers. Note: this is *not* calling for moving these configuration items
'up' to the DEFAULT group. Each driver should be able to have its own
value for any given configuration setting. This is necessary for the dual
backend deployment scenario.
2. Messaging Experiences towards hybrid backends
Share experience and progress towards introducing dual messaging backend
operation :
3.How to make oslo work done in an efficient way
1)Track bugs & reviews accoding to their priorities
2)Record general core reviewers' focus to help get help from them.
3) Don't migrate to StoryBoard until that's a community goal .
4.Add a new policy rule to check specific metadata key
Decide to change nova codes instead of oslo.policy
5. Discuss oslo_messaging.rpc message encryption and security
Trove implements this function in its code base, wan to code be
included in oslo.messaging.
kgiusti - followup with amrith on possible API (message digest)
6. Feature updates & collect ideas
1) Josh propose a new library to handle remote exceptions in an united
way: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/failure
Need improve it in code and documentation , test in gate , then adop
it .
gcb will talk with Nova PTL if nova want to adopt it.
2) new functions from neutron(ihrachys): ability to cancel in
progress/blocked RPC requests in oslo.messaging
ihrachys will file a bug, describe use cases to track this.
we also did bug smash to reduce bug numbers in rest of time.
ChangBo Guo(gcb)
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