[openstack-dev] [keystone] User survey feedback

Lance Bragstad lbragstad at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 20:34:09 UTC 2017

As you may have noticed from other threads, we have some early feedback
available from the User Survey. It hasn't closed yet - and I'm sure we'll
get updated results once that happens, but the early feedback will be nice
to have going into project discussions at the PTG.

The question and responses are as follows:

*In your opinion, where should the Keystone development team focus their

*Possible responses:*

Enhancing policy
Per domain configuration
Federated identity enhancements
Scaling out to multiple regions
Performance improvements
Other (with the option to give specific feedback)

The following is a breakdown of the responses:

Federated identity enhancements: *62* responses
Scaling out to multiple regions: *62* responses
Performance improvements: *51* responses
Enhancing policy: *46* responses
Per domain configuration: *41* responses
Other: *5 *responses

The following are the 5 Other responses directly from users taking the

"1: Better delegation of project admin rights (project admin should be able
to easily add sub projects and users). Should work with federation. 2: AWS
IAM role like functionality. Delegation of rights to instances. "

"delegation is still very corse. Needs a way to do fine grained delegation
and resource level delegation."

"Easier role customization."

"Role based access control- like we have in the corporates. restriction
based on per API / Functionality bassis. And a user should be able to
create sub-users for his / her account with RBAC."

"User based policy"

I'll post updates here if I get any more information/data regarding the


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