[openstack-dev] [release][all] Ocata release candidates frozen
Eric K
ekcs.openstack at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 23:18:46 UTC 2017
Hi all,
I¹d like to request an exception to release Congress RC2. I¹m really sorry
that we got bogged down by a tricky, critical bug that we didn¹t manage to
root cause and patch until the very last minute. I replied to Doug earlier
about it, but neglected to reply to the list.
Here¹s the release request in question:
Thanks so much for considering the request.
On 2/17/17, 8:08 AM, "Doug Hellmann" <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:
>Later today we will be entering the freeze period between the release
>candidates and the final release next Wednesday. We have a couple
>of releases in progress now for senlin and python-magnumclient, but
>after those are completed we will not be releasing anything until
>after the PTG.
>I hope to see you in Atlanta!
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