[openstack-dev] [ironic] End-of-Ocata core team updates
Julia Kreger
juliaashleykreger at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 18:42:08 UTC 2017
Thank you Dmitry!
I’m +1 to all of these actions. Vasyl and Mario will be great additions. As for Devananda, it saddens me but I agree and I hope to work with him again in the future.
> On Feb 17, 2017, at 4:40 AM, Dmitry Tantsur <dtantsur at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'd like to propose a few changes based on the recent contributor activity.
> I have two candidates that look very good and pass the formal barrier of 3 reviews a day on average [1].
> First, Vasyl Saienko (vsaienk0). I'm pretty confident in him, his stats [2] are high, he's doing a lot of extremely useful work around networking and CI.
> Second, Mario Villaplana (mariojv). His stats [3] are quite high too, he has been doing some quality reviews for critical patches in the Ocata cycle.
> Active cores and interested contributors, please respond with your +-1 to these suggestions.
> Unfortunately, there is one removal as well. Devananda, our team leader for several cycles since the very beginning of the project, has not been active on the project for some time [4]. I propose to (hopefully temporary) remove him from the core team. Of course, when (look, I'm not even saying "if"!) he comes back to active reviewing, I suggest we fast-forward him back. Thanks for everything Deva, good luck with your current challenges!
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> [1] http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/ironic-group/90
> [2] http://stackalytics.com/?user_id=vsaienko&metric=marks
> [3] http://stackalytics.com/?user_id=mario-villaplana-j&metric=marks
> [4] http://stackalytics.com/?user_id=devananda&metric=marks
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