[openstack-dev] [tripleo] Fwd: TripleO mascot - how can I help your team?
Heidi Joy Tretheway
heidijoy at openstack.org
Thu Feb 16 18:25:50 UTC 2017
Amid the spirited discussion on your mascot, I wanted to clear up confusion about our next steps and your options.
1. I’ve taken Carlos’s sketches to our illustration team to ask them to make the original TripleO owl in the style of the new logo family. This takes a bit of time and probably won’t be ready before the PTG, but I'll send it to Emilien (as I have been communicating directly with PTLs) as soon as it’s ready, to share with the team.
2. At that point, your team can review and decide either (1) yes - adopt it, (2) request slight changes, or (3) decline to use a new mascot.
If your team picks #1, you’ll get the logo in about 10 variations (horizontal, vertical, vector, etc).
If your team picks #2, I need one person (for most teams, this has been the PTL) or a small group who will be willing to represent TripleO’s preference, and chat with me for a few minutes to nail down exactly what needs to be changed. We get a lot of conflicting feedback, so if your team doesn’t have one person to help me select which feedback to use, then I end up doing it (and that makes nobody happy).
If your team picks #3, then on things like the project navigator, you’ll just see an empty space (represented by a light gray circle) above the word “TripleO” where the mascot creature would have been, while the other five to eight projects on the page will have their mascot illustration shown. On signage or places where we need to print a logo, your team name will be printed without any illustration. You can keep using your old logo on whatever you print/create, but it won’t appear on official channels.
Thanks for your passion for this project!
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