[openstack-dev] [tripleo] Fwd: TripleO mascot - how can I help your team?
Dan Prince
dprince at redhat.com
Wed Feb 15 19:57:57 UTC 2017
Option #1 keep it.
On Mon, 2017-02-13 at 21:38 -0500, Emilien Macchi wrote:
> Team, I've got this email from Heidi.
> I see 3 options :
> 1. Keep existing logo: http://tripleo.org/_static/tripleo_owl.svg .
> 2. Re-design a new logo that "meets" OpenStack "requirements".
> 3. Pick-up the one proposed (see below).
> Personally, I would vote for keeping our existing logo (1.) unless
> someone has time to create another one or if the team likes the
> proposed one.
> The reason why I want to keep our logo is because our current logo
> was created by TripleO devs, we like it and we already have tee-
> shirts and other goodies with it. I don't see any good reason to
> change it.
> Discussion is open and we'll vote as a team.
> Thanks,
> Emilien.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Heidi Joy Tretheway <heidijoy at openstack.org>
> Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 8:27 PM
> Subject: TripleO mascot - how can I help your team?
> To: Emilien Macchi <emilien at redhat.com>
> Hi Emilien,
> I’m following up on the much-debated TripleO logo. I’d like to help
> your team reach a solution that makes them happy but still fits
> within the family of logos we’re using at the PTG and going forward.
> Here’s what our illustrators came up with, which hides an “O” shape
> in the owl (face and wing arcs).
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qz45miiiam3caiy/AAAzPGYEZRMGH6Otid3bLfHFa?
> dl=0
> At this point, I don’t have quorum from your team (I got a lot of
> conflicting feedback, most of which was “don’t like” but not
> actionable for the illustrators to make a revision). At the PTG,
> we’ll have mascot stickers and signage for all teams except for
> Ironic and TripleO, since we’re still waiting on your teams to make a
> final decision.
> May I recommend that your team choose one person (or a small group of
> no more than three) to finalize this? I was able to work through all
> of Swift’s issues with just a quick 15-minute chat with John
> Dickinson and I’d like to believe we can solve this for TripleO as
> well.
> We know some of your team has expressed concern over retiring the
> existing mascot. It’s not our intention to make anyone “get rid of” a
> beloved icon. Your team can certainly print it on vintage items like
> shirts and stickers. But for official channels like the website, we
> need a logo to represent TripleO that’s cohesive with the rest of the
> set.
> Perhaps when you’re face to face with your team at the PTG, you can
> discuss and hopefully render a final decision to either accept this
> as a logo, or determine a few people willing to make any final
> changes with me?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Heidi Joy Tretheway
> Senior Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation503 816
> 9769 | Skype: heidi.tretheway
> --
> Emilien Macchi
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